Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Got to find my Healthy!

Today some beautiful roses to share
as a way of Saying Thank you for all your kindness and Best Wishes for the New Year.
One thing I want to talk about is warning signs.
We may run into them head on, or they may slowly creep up on us.
make you pause in your tracks,
We can face them or hide from them,
but they are there no matter whether we choose to face them or not..
About eight years ago my Dad had a five artery bypass.
He pulled through it, and then started walking,
He did it almost every day, I remember thinking how wonderful he was doing.
We all did, and then one day he was in a car accident(not his fault)
He had broken ribs etc....after Dad healed he never kept up with his 
walking, of course he was busy on the farm, telling us all
he felt great, maybe a little tired,etc.
I often wonder what would have happened if he had kept walking.
It will be two years ago in May that Dad has passed away.
He believed he was Healthy.
he just was not healthy enough.
The other day I read a post on Anns blog
about her friend and it really made me think.
I have not been in control of my weight loss
and just because I have lost a few pound
does not make me healthy.
I am still morbidly obese.
and even though all my numbers come back good.
It just is not good enough.
So I am in control of what I eat,
how often I eat, where I eat.
I am in control of making better choices,
I am in control of seeing to it that I drink enough water,
I am in control of taking my medications on time,
I am in control of walking on my treadmill.
I am in control enough to know it should be a perscription
that I have to follow, and use  as diligently as I take my medications.
I refocus on my goals. I choose to live a better life,
I control that for right now this is the most important
thing that I can do for myself, so I can get around easier,
breathe better, better circulation, more energy, more stamina,
more choices.
So A New Year, A New Day,
and I try again, again,
This is my Year to Get It Right
We can do this together,
I am getting my journal out and recording everything,
food, water, exercise, mood, why I eat, etc.
I hope you come along for the ride,
oh and the treadmill
has been named by Patrick.
Mr. Giddy Up,
because Lord knows,
I just have to Giddy Up and Go.
So Thank you Patrick for your help,
I was pulling a blank on this one.
So if we can all just do one thing today to help ourselves,
is to start the new year by moving..
I hope you Have Your Very Best Day!


  1. Awesome post. Very thought provoking and inspirational. I'm sorry you lost your dad :(

  2. I just went out and took a beautiful 1/2 hour walk with my pooch in response to this post, Miss Cinner ! It is a really warm day here in New Hampshire (odd for January !) and I needed to take advantage of this day.
    I so agree about finding your healthy and this is a goal for me in this wonderful life too. Another thought that came to me as I read your open and honest post was that while we can work towards healthy, and being healthy will make this wonderful life longer, we are all going to die of something. That sounds mordid or depressing maybe, but I see it as a number 1 reason for making the most of this very day ! This very moment even ! Will I live long enough to get really "healthy" ? I don't know. But I do know that I have this day to BE as healthy as I can be. It somehow even makes the task more manageable...I know I can stick to this healthy mood and intention for this day. And tomorrow I will do my best to make the same intention, and maybe before I know it, I will have a month of "Being healthy" days behind me ! That makes it feel like I can do this thing !
    Thank you for your inspiration, Cinner. It really means a lot to me.
    Big Hugs and Enjoy the day !


    You are SO amazing!! :-) I am with you - trying to do what I can despite my limits to keep moving - I love your treadmill name Mr Giddy-up, eehah!!

    Love you girl "hey"

  4. I agree with Gail, you are amazing. Together, I like the sound of that this year when my word is MELD. I should like to mind meld with you and your determination. I need some giddy up too. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  5. You are so right! We are in charge of ourselves! I hope that I can start working out more and eating healthy. My husband need to also...his numbers are terrible. It scares me so much! Good luck to you! I'm with you!

  6. Thank you Cinner for a great & motivational post! Mr. Giddy Up is a great name!

  7. Hello fellow Canadian. BC here. Great post. We can and will do this. Hmmm, now what should I name my treadmill?

  8. Do you know how much you inspire...?
    You do, Cindy.
    Thank you....for more than you know.

  9. My word for this year is discipline...because I have none! I love what you have written here, I have no excuse whatsoever not to eat healthy or exercise and oh cinner I have to. Each year I have gaine a bit now a bit is a.lot.
    Love Mr. Giddey Up........:-)Hugs

  10. Bernie, lots of water, write down what you eat. I think that will help. you can get it off I know you can. hugs, we will help each other. have a great day tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be nice. enjoy,

    Jackie, well I am glad Jackie,,,,some days I think who wants to read this, but I just keep writing from my heart. hugs to you.

    Darla, hi and welcome, I just paid a visit to your blog. yes we can and will reach our goals. I am a new follower and going to come back and read more when I get a few minutes. nice to meet another fellow Canadian. hugs.

  11. Gayle, I hope you are able to too. Any bit will help. I have always been surprised that my numbers have been okay. Good luck to you and your husband. I wish you strength to get going on some kind of regime. I am just doing the walking for this month. but I am increasing my time every day on the treadmill by 30 seconds more. hugs to you.

  12. Lisa, I am glad you like the name....It was not my idea, Patrick from another blog helped me with his suggestion. I need to start putting links in. He is very inspiring. Maybe you follow him already. take care.

  13. Linda, like minds, like souls.....attitude is everything....that is why my word for the year is control....I can control if I am going to try everyday. So we hopefully can help one another.
    You are such a loving Old Bagge, that we need you around for a long, long, time.hugs to my friend.

  14. Oh Gail, you are just too kind to me. we keep going because we know we need to do the best for us...I framed your Christmas card and have it sitting by my computer....we are those little pets watching the northern lights and the bright stars. I know there is lots good in our futures.
    I love you too hey. cin

  15. Kim, thank you for your comment, I am glad You went for a walk because of the post. I think that is wonderful. You are right and I think we live the very Best Day we can every day. So here is to finding our healthy. I like you live the best I can, it starts with attitude. sure I have bad days, but I don't let them last long, I don't have time for a pity party for me on any of my health issues. we are going to do this and have the very best year. hugs to you.

  16. Lanie Painie, thank you for your kind words about my Dad. I don't think I could have gotten through the loss. I had such wonderful blog friends. I recieved wonderful letters and cards, and words to allow myself to feel the grief.People are right when they say it will get easier with time, it did. So glad you visited today. take care. My husband has one more day off work and then I am coming visiting everyone. all the best. hugs.

  17. Well, then baby, it's time to think!
    And about your Dad, just warm fuzzy thoughts.
    *hugs* and hugs.... and time....

  18. i am doing a healthy lifestyle thing/change with my hubby this year, off to a reasonable start...but it's upwards and onwards from here. You are correct my girl i am in control of what i eat, drink, exercise etc, no one to blame but me if i don't do it right. get up and go that's it for me this year.


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