Wednesday, August 10, 2011
New Discovery Sounds Trigger My Bad Eating!
Hi Everyone, thank you for the wonderful comments
on the last post, I finally got a chance to answer back to each one,
so thank you for your understanding.
I realized something new about myself today,
I knew I liked food because of visual presentation,
And there are certain smells that can be so tempting.
Today I realized that sounds trigger me into thinking of certain foods.
Bees buzzing in my garden makes me think of honey
and then peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
How silly is that.
I live in a city where I hardly ever hear the whistle of a train,
Tonight because of the way the wind was blowing
I thought of the farm where I grew up
and one of the favorite treats were
fresh homemade buns with butter and jam.
How do you go from a whistle blowing to that.
Birds singing in the morning makes me
want a morning coffee with creamer.
The sixties music makes me want Root beer and a Burger.
Now I am not saying always but it was surprising for me
to realize the correlation between the two.
Every evening at 530 the ice cream truck goes by.
playing the music that sounds like a fair,
and though I can't see the truck I automatically
start thinking ice cream and even cotton candy.
Batter out strike three
makes me want a hot dog.
Running the tub for a long bath
makes me want a glass of wine.
The sound of coughing and sneezing makes
me crave chicken noodle soup.
The sound of a crackling fire makes me want to
have marshmallows even though I don't
really like marshmallows.
The crack of a beer can being opened
makes me want to eat pizza.
and it is not my beer being cracked open.
The sound of an angry voice not even directed at me
makes me want some comfort food.
The sound of different accents
makes me crave certain foods.
I must be either a nut bar or a food addict.
Thank goodness when I turn on my treadmill
and I hear the beep, beep,
it makes me want to exercise.
Ha maybe I need to start wearing ear plugs for sounds that trigger me,
A really dark pair of glasses so I won't find food visually appealing.
Well I may as well get a noseclip so I can not smell any lovely aromas
Oh and I should wear gloves so that I won't be able to touch food either
although I don't think that really triggers me, unless I were to put a finger
in say mashed potatoes, yes you could not hold me back
and the shouting of encouraging voices saying
Cinner, no, no don't do it
hopefully would snap me back to reality
where hopefully I could pick up my dignity that has fallen
flashing its feet on the floor.
Egads do you think I woke up hungry?
I am starting to think so.
I will try to go back to bed but I know when that alarm
rings in the morning hubby better be out of the way
or a Cinner with dark glasses, wearing gloves,
a nose clip and one ear plug
will hit the floor running and when that fridge door
opens anything is game. It is a good thing I got my food
ready for tomorrow, it is also a good thing I can't drive
or I would be in line at Tim Hortons for a Breakfast Baget,
a double double, oh and well just throw in a box of Tim Bits.
Just kidding I am going to stick to plan,
I am going to do everything I can to.
My nephews are leaving Friday
and I know when we say Good bye,
I will want to eat something right away.
Maybe it is a good thing that I am aware of what I do.
It is up to me to change my Triggers and to
break my habits
So if you see me in line somewhere don't honk
that may make me think
I have quacked up.
I know this too shall pass.
Have a great day.
Do you have trigger sounds.
I would love to hear your stories.