Friday, November 27, 2009

The Road To.......

This is a carving that I made for my husband a few years ago!
We try to get there every year!
I love the atmosphere, being surrounded by mountains, quaint little stores,
The White Church on Main Street,
The townspeople, the tourists, the food,
Our hikes on the trails, the many Artists that live in this Wonderful Canvas!
We did not get there this year, hopefully soon!
Maybe when we get there I will be able to walk farther without taking rest breaks,
So I keep doing what I can do everyday.
Sometimes it feels like a long journey.....
But it will be worth every living moment!
Be well my friends!


  1. cinner, your carving is absolutely beautiful, my but you really are talented....:-) Hugs

  2. What a beautiful more than one way.
    It is a work of art....and that you made it for your dear husband of a place that you both love to go makes it extra special.


    I love this carving - it is so beautiful - such a gift you have. :-)
    ANd I know about taking breaks too - enjoy them - they allow you, me, to go on.

    I love you]

  4. What a beautiful carving.

    And stay on that journey .... you are doing so well :o)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Cinner, you are a woman of many talents! Your carving is stunning.

  6. Oh, my goodness. You've got some real talent there. Lucky, husband. Lucky you.

  7. Relyn, Lucky that we have been there, I don't carve as much as I would like...I am supposed to stay away from power tools. I have a girlfriend that has all the tools a man would want and I thought you know what I want mine too, thus started my little hobby. The last couple years I have not been well enough. but maybe soon.

    Joanna, thanks...I think we all have a creative side...What freaks me out is baking...I have better luck standing on my head...come to think of it...I can't do that either. lol

    Cambridge lady, thankyou, I am staying on my journey. doing exercises to strengthen my back, the lower back makes it hard for me walking...but I am working on it. had a good day with it yesterday, noticed quicker in my step. Take care, be by to visit soon.

    Gail, thanks, yes those breaks throughout the day are the only way we can make it,,,,just as important as breathing I think. Love ya, hope your Mom is feeling better. Big hug.

    Jackie, thankyou, he was very surprised. We don't get there often enough and I don't do enough carving, I usually do it in the summer, this year with my Dad passing away, I just did not seem to find the time to do as much as i could. But I am back on track since we found out how he died. So all is good! Take care, have a wonderful day.

    Bernie, thanks, I just try to keep myself doing something everyday...I find it very relaxing too. Take care my friend.

  8. Wow, that's wonderful. Looks like a lot of love went into that.

  9. Tattytiara, thank you, it took me awhile for sure. He was very surprised! hope you are well. take care.


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