Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whats For Dinner?

Everyonce in awhile I catch my cat Stinky on my mantel.
I got to get the cat if I let my husband name it! I agreed to this,
and thus the name Stinky!
Can you guess what kind of food the dear cat is after?
This is our bird Chip! The cat is usually pretty good,
but everyonce in awhile she tries to get the bird!
So far Chip has survived for about six years, and really has no fear
of the cat or the two dogs!
Just wanted to touch base and wish you all A Happy Thanksgiving!
I will be posting again later in the week with an update!
Take care all!


  1. Your home sounds so cozy with your cat and bird, and I love how you changed your page cinner....would love to be able to use my signature on my page as well, was that hard to do?...Have a wonderful day sweetie...:-) Hugs

  2. This page looks FABULOUS!!! I noticed it right away...it has such a festive look...and I love blue.
    I had a parakeet... His name was "Pretty Boy"...and he could say his name. He did think he was "all that"!
    I had a cat too....So, we have a lot in common...other than the love of blogging....and sharing smiles.
    Thank you for the Thanksgiving wish. All of our family will be at our house on Thursday...There will be 14 family members...and one person who didn't have a family in the area who is invited to join us. I look forward to the day....but....quite honestly, I am also looking forward to the evening afterward....relaxing...not worrying about whether the dressing is too dry...or the gravy is too thick. I just want to enjoy family being together. Hugs and many smiles to you, Cindy.
    I'll be baaaaaaaack!

  3. Cinner - Love the new look....and the cat and the birdie....yum, yum!
    Thanks for the Happy TGiving wishes.
    No turkey here, just work, work, work....
    you know Nurses never get holidays off!
    Did you take that picture? Very nice - gotta love the snow, eh?

  4. Anne, have you been really busy working? And yes I know you probably never do get holidays off. Yes I took the picture up In Fort Nelson which is about 11 hours North of us. On that trip we saw 27 moose. They are huge and it was just at dusk, That is something I will never see again. After there we ended up going into a Camp where they were digging for oil...You got to a point in the road and there was a little place where you signed in and if you did not come back in so much time, they come looking for you. I had gone for the ride with my brother. I really felt like we were in the middle of nowhere and there is bush all around. It was at times pretty scary. You have to go through some mountains too and the truckers have to put chains on the tires. Doesnt Texas sound good to you now. Big hug, hope you are well.

    Jackie, oh that will be nice! Don't worry about the dressing and the gravy, it will be perfect. I do understand though how the evening looks pretty good. I had fun doing this look for the holidays. Good luck. Blessings to you.

    Bernie, thanks, no it was not hard to do. I am going to see if you have an email on your profile and tell you how. I helped Gail with hers so we should be able to get it going. Take care, I will get the info for you right away. Have a great day!

  5. Bernie, I sent you an email with the instructions. Good luck, email if you have any questions.Good luck!

  6. It seems we, humans, are not the only ones craving forbiden foods. Good luck, dear Cinner, with your Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope you will enjoy your meal and have fun. The diet starts after, if you are still in the mood.

  7. I wanted to stop by tonight and wish you a happy, happy Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is bound to be crazy and I didn't want the holiday to pass without me wishing you the happiest, most delicious Thanksgiving ever.

  8. Thanks Relyn, we celebrate in October in Canada, but I woke up this am thinking how good your houses must all smell. We watch the parade up here today though. Have a wonderful day with your family.

    Christine, thanks for visiting, always glad to see someone new. We celebrate ours in October. Your holiday always seems to be a bigger deal which I love. We watch the parade. Have a great day and stop by again if you can. take care. be well.

  9. That chip on your shoulder is very cute.

  10. Unknown Mami, that is a very good sense of humor, I will have to use that one. Take care.


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