Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It is all A Matter of Perspective!

No matter how cloudy and overcast your day is,
Be it with responsibilities and obligations,
The sun always comes out and shines,
I may never make it to the top of the mountain,
but I can look up and believe anytime I want.
I am in control of my outlook,
I am in control of how I choose to see things.
I  had a gift card from Home Sense,
love that store,
Usually I gravitate to  ornaments and items for the yard,
but not this times,
I bought some wellness books and some exercise wellness items,
I bought a new beginning, a new start, a new challenge.
The wellness books take into account the whole range of items,
just like through the weightwise program.
I  have exercised 3 times this week strengthening my legs,
drinking lots of water.
I am motivated,
After visiting Anne at Carb Tripper yesterday,
Wow she has been so dedicated to her program,
looks fabulous, if you have not been there
she has the funniest sense of humor,
She is on my sidebar,
I f  you go for a visit you will know what I mean!
Have a great day!
Smile and the world smiles with you.
We had the 0lympic Torch through our city yesterday.
Excitement and enthusiasm was running rampant!
My friend Beth says,
dancing all alone
is always better
than not dancing at all..
Today I dance!


  1. What a gem you are, Cinner!
    Thanks for the shout-out!
    May all the joy you bring to others
    always be with you!


    I went and filled my water bottle right while I was reading your post!! See how inspiring you are???!!! :-)

    I am not big on self-help' books. But if they help you read to your hearts content. I just finished my Wll routine. phew. I went to the doctors on TUesday. I need to adjust one of my medications, again AND I need to read labels for sodium ciontent. And then I went to my neurologist who has started me on CoQ10 and B12 vitamins for my condition. The C0Q10 is suppose to be a really help with the brain and is a natural anti-inflamatory. B12 is good all around. :-) He said I cannot work and need to balance my day with exercise and rest, avoid stress, and being over stimulated etc. It was an exhausting day, going to two doctors. Thank God Skipp drove - he is a gem. And plus, my Mom was with us - poor Skipp - he was like a driver for the disabled!!! :-) Good Lord. ANd then, when I got home, God gave me a gift, right in my kitchen. I was reading labels for sodium and fat content on food items and when I looked at the bacxk of the can of cranberry sauce????!!! NO FAT NO SODIUM. Praise the Lord. :-) So don't give up hope because when life look dark, just remember, there is always cranberry sauce'!!! :-)

    Love you girl


  3. Oh Gail, I know these are all serious issues, but I am not a big lover of cranberry You did make me laugh when you said Skipp is a driver for the disabled, thats how I feel about Wain. You must have been exhausted going to two doctors, coq10 is supposed to be really good, I did not know it was an antiimflamatory. My legs have been so swollen lately. So rest and exercise, it is here too. Well don't overdo it Gail, I think of you everyday, my little angel. Good luck with the salt, you too. c

    Anne, you vision of lovliness you! What an amazing transformation you have done. the pic inspired me to keep going...Big hug,,,as for your choice of song...about the my friend have a very strange sense of humor...but I get make me laugh. lol.

  4. Cinner, I was part of the galley yesterday as the torch passed through St. was wonderful and though I hesitated for a moment I am so glad I went and saw the whole thing. It was magical, I was just so proud to be among the electric mood and surrounded by hundreds of others cheering on our country. Was so proud to be Canadian and am so cheering on our athletes.......:-) Hugs

  5. Bernie, I thought you probably would have been there, lucky you. It seemed amazing even what they showed on tv. My sister in law had asked me to go, I knew it would be too much for me, but I was there in spirit. They showed the grandmother of the fellow that had been in the hockey accident and is now in a wheel chair. She was so proud of him and started to cry, that was it for me I was crying too. You probably saw the whole thing! Have a great day Bernie. Hugs to you. Take care.

  6. I love our neighbors to the north!!! Canada is such a strong and decent country, and I love the very sly and dry sense of humor, exciting about the torch passing thru...

    Little by little -- I love your attitude, Cinner!

  7. I can't tell you how many times I thought about our journey today. I drank water until I think I'm going to turn into H 2 0 !! know what, my friend. It's going to work...Yes, it is. I count on you lifting me up...lifting my spirits...and I hope that you know you can count on me for the same.
    Beautiful photo on your blog...the mountains are majestic...and, my friend...we will make it to the mountain top!

  8. I love your outlook.

    I'm proud of you for working out! Keep it up.

  9. Way to go Cinner you are going to get there.


  10. popped in to tell you to have a great day...and that you are a gift. Sarah

  11. Hi Cinner !
    It sounds like you are really motivated to make some big changes in your life, but in a great healthy, one day at a time kind of a way ! Love that.
    Hey, if you ever find a place near you that does Yoga Dance, you should check it out. It is all about getting moving but in whatever ways your body is capable of on this day. No judgements, no worries about what jiggles or whatever, and just some wonderful dancing like you would do if you were all alone. A lot of fun too ! I have started this and can't wait to get to my next class on next Tuesday !
    In the meantime, dancing alone isn't bad at all ! ;)
    Thanks for your visist to my blog and your sweet comment !
    Take good care !

  12. Hey Cinner, I just came for the market and thought of you as I stocked up on cucumbers and lemons for my water pitcher. Glad to see your great spirit is in full force today.

    I am a huge fan of Anne's. She's a great inspiration and her blog is wonderful. EVERYONE should check it out.

    Keep up the good work.


  13. Hi Joanna, oh yes I am still doing the cucumber and lemons for my water. Getting better with that. I can not remember the last time I had a pop. yeah. Thanks Joanna for your support. Anne is so dedicated, I just love her. She got me started on this blog. Hope you are well. take care,

    Hi Kim, thanks for visiting, dance yoga that sounds interesting. I have to tell you that I am a lover of your rocks, paint alot of them up here, then I got into carving rocks with a handheld dremmel. I like all your sayings on yours. I pick rocks up where ever I go. Maybe we are two peas in a pod. Take care. I became a follower on your blog, I really liked it.

    Sarah, thankyou, you have a great day, keep being an inspiration. That progile picture is great, is that your little dog.

    Renee, thanks I will get there, slow and sure, but steady. Hope you are having a day with no bats. Think of you often.

    Unknown Mami, I can actually feel muscles in my butt, that feels kinda strange. lol.

    Jackie, I keep thinking of you and water, wondering how you are getting on, most of all I think of what a blessing you have been for me. And yes one day that mountain top....Hope you are well my friend. take care. keep up the good job.

    Hi Dame Penniwig, I am proud to be a Canadian, but I have found the American people to be very kind, good friendship knows no borders I guess!One thing about us dame is that up here we all seem to know more about politics in the States. There is a keen interest here! I am glad you are liking my attitude. I am definately on a positive journey now that I am almost over my cold. I still stop everyday at your blog. I am so glad you share your work with us. Thank you. Be well and have a good weekend.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. They really make my day.