Monday, December 14, 2009

I have SNOW idea!

Well as you can see we are snowed in!
Each day I still go outside for some fresh air and some exercise.
I do this in the morning when I am at my best energy level.
With me having Cataplexy I work my day around it!
Later in the day it is like Lights Out, No Action!
So I have been out shoveling, I can not go fast, but slow and sure like the tortoise!
I believe Fresh Air is the best as well, gets a body moving!
And my good news today is that with even all the deserts around and extra food from this time of Year,
I  went from a 26 to a size 22,
So what if I had to lay on the floor and use a coathanger!
Kidding, I did that once in highschool,
a size 12, I think I got a blister on my thumb.
Oh the joys of not being young again.
So if I can just stay at what I am over the holidays I will consider this an accomplishment.
Mentally I am feeling great, physically slightly better,
.So everything is going in the right direction
I have not been on my scale,
because my lifestyle does not depend on those numbers.
If I am feeling better that means much more to me,
and the fact that I can walk a little further!
Think of all the things you have accomplished this year, or this day, or week!
I bet this could be Your Very Best Day Ever!


    I love the fresh air too. I get a dose every day. And I am so happy for you that you dropped down 2 sizes. And I am also happy that the scale and or the numbers are NOT determining your feeling of well-bring. Good for you. :-)

    Have a wonderful Monday.

    Love to you my friend

  2. You are doing so well! I love reading about your positive progress. Keep shovelling that snow - I may be joining you later this week as snow is forecast for England :-O Take care xx

  3. Hi Gail, thanks, hope you are well and taking it easy. I love all your ornaments by the way. take care.

    Cambridge Lady, thanks yes all the snow is helping. Maybe you will have snow for Christmas.Take care.

  4. Good for you, 2 sizes down is great....and the fresh air is so good for you. I love your attitude cinner and I wish you continued success in what you are must be good as you are feeling better....:-) hugs

  5. Wow that's awesome...I think I have gained...pants are too tight...

  6. Your positive attitude is very helpful and inspiring to me as I struggle with my weight. I'm afraid I have not been as strong as you have with all the Christmas goodies around...yes, I have gained...but I like your view of doing what one can, as one can, when one can, and how one can!!! That is the way to make steady progress, I do believe!

  7. Congratulations to you, Cindy! Way to go....
    ...Your snow photo is so pretty to me! I wish I could see snow.. (I see it on blogs and in movies and on TV...and I'm excited to see photos that you post with snow..)
    The dog is beautiful! Don't his li'l paws get cold??
    (Love that chair covered with snow!!!)

  8. I'm proud of you for moving even in the cold.

  9. Unknown Mami, oh thanks, tomorrow I plan to go shopping, weather up to minus eight which for us will be wonderful. Some people that come from othere countries to stay here are in shock I am sure the first winter.

    Jackie, thank you. AS for Sparky, he is outside for about two minutes at a time and then scratches on the door to get in. More snow pics to follow.

    Dame Penniwig, so glad to have you join me here.
    Others inspire me here too and what a support system especially when it is too cold to leave the house for long anyway. Take care, stop by anytime.

    Gayle, maybe you shrunk them in the dryer, I have a closet that shrinks clothes. LOL, I am excited about getting back 100 percent after the holidays. Do what you can Gayle.

    Bernie, I think my back is even starting to feel a little better and for that I am excited.One more day Bernie and we are out of the cold snap. My little Mom about froze here!

  10. I love the name of your dog.."Sparky"...cute as a bug!
    How do you get the snow to float across your blog...It's so pretty. I wouldn't be able to put it on mine. I would need 'dust'..
    Do you have any ideas as to how to get 'dust' to float across mine! :)))
    I smile, Cindy.... Thank you for making my day today. Yes, you did!
    I wanted to add that I rejoice that you can walk a little further. Isn't that a blessing! Yes!!! Thanks for reminding me to list mine. We have so much to be thankful for. I just needed that gentle reminder. Take care of you, my friend..
    Chat with you later...
    Warm hugs,

  11. Great job! aunt cindy, 2 SIZES thats great. Keep shoveling and little by little you will feel better and better. Dont forget your water to. I dono if its lucky or not but i dont think i will be gaining any weight this winter in mexico as there is not all the goodies we have up in canada. I could die for just one of grandmas pans of something. lol Love you

  12. Wow wow wow what a fantastic effor 2 TWO sizes oh my that is fantastic. You go girl, snow shovelling, walking whatever you do just do it. Merry Merry Christmas, just eat little portions of those deserts and you'll be fine.
    Mwahxxx big hug

  13. Cinner - we have been so very busy at work!
    I haven't had time to think!
    Till today... and the first place I came to in blogland was to your blog!
    Thinking of you, up there in the snow - stay warm and cozy!
    And congrats on the sizes!
    ♫♬♪♫♬♪♫ ta-da!


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