Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Feeling Better!

Some Poppies from my Garden last summer in Honor of Remembrance Day.

I can grow flowers, but I have to be honest.
I am not a gardener!
I think I have somehow jinxed myself, in a weird way,
as to never grow a good vegetable or tasty fruit.
And since my lifestyle change I am actually starting to crave them.
I know there will be some of you out there that are shocked! And I know who you Are!
So my goal for the winter is to read up on growing them as I love them right out of the garden.
So if you have any hints for me, I would love them.....
In the meantime I am off to McDonalds for a lowfat McFlurry!
Kidding it is too cold here....oh my see how quickly I can revert to old patterns.
I hope you are all well and thanks for your support.
Oh I am feeling much better and thanks for all your kind words.
They helped just as much as Chicken Noodle Soup!


  1. Hi Cinner
    Just stopping in to tell you how nice those poppies are in the picture!
    And I'm glad you are feeling better.

  2. Hi Cinner - good to hear you are feeling well again and craving veggies! We have a small veggie garden - all I'd say is prepare your soil well. During the winter (or just after the thaw, depending on how severe a winter you get) dig over your patch, get all the stones and crud out, and dig in some compost. If you have a clay soil, dig in some sand. Start your veggies in pots and transplant out once the risk of frost is past. And think about aspect/position of the sun. We have found the following are very easy to grow - tomatoes, courgettes (zucchini), lettuce, spring onions, potatoes, carrots. Corn and peppers have proved a little trickier. Good luck, hope this helps, A xx

  3. Cambridge Lady, thankyou for all the tips, I think it must be my soil. I have an Uncle who comes and he is 90, he just kinda shakes his head. his garden is like going into a store. the land of plenty. I am going to give it my best shot. take care.

    Anne, thanks! I went out yesterday with my husband, did not stay out long, I just felt weak so taking it easy for a few more days. Take care, nice to have you poppin in....get it, poppies, poppin. OK i will be quiet.


    So glad you are feeling better and planning your winter indoor gardens. WOw!! I have NO tips other than there is someone that kmows way more than me about such things. I eat mostly winter veggies in the winter - butternut squash, sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash - to name a few. And I roast them in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Delicious.

    Lpve you

  5. a vegie garden how wonderful, we have one this year started it a while ago and we have about 5 different lettuce (it's heading into summer here) tomatoes, strawberries, sugar snap peas, and some asian lettuce one that tastes like mustard really its good. Sometimes my vegies grow well others the tomatoes fall off the vine the strawberries go soft who knows why!!! But I love it so enjoy and I agree soil prep is really important. Hope you get better daily I had the flu about a year ago the bad flu it took me about 3 weeks to get all my energy back so a day at a time ok.

  6. never saw anyone grow poppies. Must look great in a garden - all that red

  7. Cinner - you are 100% pure Canadian Gold.

    (and red for the poppies)

  8. Cinner as it so happens I'm a gardening nut and closer to spring I would be glad to give you some very helpful hints on growing lovely fresh veggies. I also wanted to say thank you for your continual support with my blog. I have left you a little something today, come and check it out my dear. Hugs Crista

  9. cinner, I love your beautiful spirit, always willing to try new things and make your life and all others lives even glad you are back with us and feeling better...:-) Hugs

  10. Bernie, yes I am back at little wacky today, think I was not quite over it so might be getting the cough part of it. I can handle it, I just got to take more naps. Have a great time with Terri, I am glad you get to spend some time together. big hug.

    Nature as IS. Crista, that would be wonderful. you don't have to thank me. I love visiting, and now I am curious, I will be by to see you. Take care.

    Anne, I am posting the poppies for you as you said you like them so much. Have a great weekend.

    Sarah, My neighbor two doors down, when she was moving she asked if I wanted any poppy seeds,.she knew everthing by heart, their actual names. hers were the most gorgeous I have ever seen. I love shaking the seeds out of the pods at the end of the season. so now i just throw them in the ground and water, little sun and away they go. be well.

    Kim I would so much like to be thinking about summer now and how tasty things will be for you.
    I am taking it easy as I think I may have done just a little too much. have a great weekend. take care.

  11. Glad you are feeling better!
    I've always wanted a garden but do not have a green thumb. Instead I hit the farmer's markets in search of locally grown fruits and veggies. But, it would sure be nice to just walk into the back yard and pick some myself. Good luck on your winter reading. I hope it brings you a wonderful harvest next summer :-)

  12. Joanna, thanks, I so loving going to the farmers markets, but do not get there as much because I tire so easily, it used to be a ritual every Saturday morning if I was not working! Take care my friend, visit you soon.


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