Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Clear as Glass!

You know sometimes things seem so crystal clear. I can wake and there is no doubt in my mind that I am going to have a good day! Thered be days like this, thered be days like this, thered be days like this my mamma said! That is the tune I have had going on in that brain of mine since about six am this morning. This am when I opened the door to let the dogs out, I was met by a blast of cold and about another two inches of snow. The kicker is they say it is supposed to be plus 15 on the weekend. We have had snow for about two weeks, I am certainly hoping it will go so I can get out in my yard and get the rest of my lawn ornaments in!

My appointment at the hospital was changed until Monday, but at least my husband will be able to drive me. Since I got Cataplexy, my days of driving are over! That is one of the things I miss the most. That bit of independance when I wanted to go do something I could, but it is better to be off the road. I have read up and certain areas in the states will have laws against driving if you have cataplexy, yet it is okay in others.

So since I am housebound today and up early I am going to put together an exercise program that I will be doing everyday! I am committing to this everyday except on weekends during the winter! I figure I will need 2 days of rest or I will quit it after a while. Sometimes it is crystal clear that the best way to do something is to just get at it! So thats where I am at! I have energy right now so I better be off to do this before I can't.
Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. It is crystal clear to me too that you all have a fond place in my heart.

1, 2, 3, Jump, kick, bend......Don't worry Rome was not built in  a day either! Have your Best Day!


  1. You are so right! Thanks for this kick in the butt Cinner...I'm with you again!

  2. Sounds like a good plan to me....we are still having the same kind of weather except this morning we are having a snow storm....I am reading by the fire today and enjoying every second....suppose to be nice here this weekend as well, so looking forward to it.....:-) Hugs

  3. Bernis, Oh sitting by the fire sounds like bliss to me.Take care.

    Holly, glad your with me easy it is to get off the track though hey!

  4. I like your attitude! I need to jump-start my exercise program again too.

  5. Joanna there are a few things I need to jump start, at least this is one I can control. Hope you are well. Take care.

  6. Hello Cinner!
    I understand what you mean about not being able to drive. It's nice that you have your husband to drive you anywhere you need :)
    Good idea to make a programme for exercising every day.
    Take good care of yourself!

  7. Great post today, Cinner...remember I don't always comment but I do try to read every day!
    The best day ever sound like a great day to me!

  8. Dorothea, Thanks,,,Hope you are well, I will try to do my best. Big Hug.

    Anne, thanks Anne I always know your not too far away! Take care..


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